stopRED and Trauma-Centered Feminism

I am particularly interested in trauma-centered feminism because of the interconnectedness of trauma, delinquency, and sexual-minority status among teenage girls. I have attached an article, Trauma Among Lesbians and Bisexual Girls in the Juvenile Justice System, by Juliette Noel Graziano and Eric F. Wagner. According to Graziano and Wagner, “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at particularly pronounced risk for experiencing trauma, and trauma appears to increase the risk for juvenile justice system involvement.” As you read the article, you may also agree that girls in the LGBTQ community are another task that might be illuminated in the work of RED.

I bring this issue to discussion because March is National Women’s History Month, with March 8th celebrated as International Women’s Day. The theme for this year’s National History Month is Valiant Women of the Vote. I encourage you to visit Women Who Fought for the Vote - HISTORY.

The world has witnessed the activism of women in numerous areas. Most recently, Polish women earned international attention with their baby stroller march to Poland’s refugee station, where they met Ukrainian mothers fleeing war with children of all ages.

This show of female activism is not new. Many American women have always stood in the fight against injustice. Much of the discussions surrounding women activism include Sexism, racism and economic inequality (see Rebecca Traister, a writer-at-large for New York magazine and The Cut). She argues that one of the major problems facing today’s women is the “extremely potent combination of sexism, racism and economic inequality.” She goes on to argue that these issues “pretty much cover . . . both a domestic and global front…all are symptomatic of these massive systemic power imbalances, working in tandem.”

Another issue of women, especially those in America, is that of Trauma-centered feminism. I encourage you to read Christina Hoff Sommers, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, author of several books including Who Stole Feminism? and The War Against Boys.

In relationship to the work of RED, I encourage you to read the provided articles and reflect on the work of RED. We have planned virtual sessions, conferences, and lunchtime series to conduct deeper dives into the issue of trauma-centered feminism, expressly that of teen juveniles.

Much more to do and more to come - Juanita

Trauma Among Lesbians and Bisexual Girls in the Juvenile Justice System Study


RED PROGRESS AND PLANS: What is…What Could or Should be…


Dr. J's Slides and Presentation from 03/02/22